Sunday, November 1, 2009

News :Yoga and the Spiritual Life

Life is Yoga, many people do not realize this simple fact as it was for many years just some almost cult like adventure for some to have fun with.

Partially true, Yoga is fun, life is fun depending on your personal outlook, meaning what is your attitude? Positive, pessimistic, apathetic, complacent, or do you believe your life is balanced and in harmony with the vibrations of the life force of the Universe, of which you are a part of, not a part from. In other words, know it or not, we are all connected to each and every living thing in the Cosmos, in Body, Mind and Spirit. There are no exceptions, you are a part of the whole.

Being positive in life you can add to your Spiritual well being with the practice of Yoga in the sense of using your natural ability to become even more flexible in your ability to balance and harmonize all that is happening in life. With practice a pessimistic attitude will disappear, it may not happen over night, nothing does, usually, yet you will find yourself becoming more open to the possibilities instead of focusing on your seeming inability to grow, though we need to always be aware we do not all grow at the same rate, emotionally or physically.
Growth is, in the simplest explanation for now, the important factor in any practice we endeavor to begin in Yoga practice. In todays world we all need to keep in mind the qualifying idiocy of our so called political correctness, which is idiocy as in the fact it has almost annihilated the ability to actually talk with other people in a realistic way. In other words in a free society we ought not need to be so afraid of offending someone with a remark or words of truth. It goes along with the idiocy of thinking perception is the reality, which seems to be a key phrase with many in the law profession today, which is of course part of the problem. Yoga is meant to be a solution, it is the solution as it comes from the oneness of uniting us with each other and with God, or the Universe.

Many say wha t has God got to do with it? Everything, no matter what your definition, or not, is of God. It does not matter, though with the true practice of Yoga it will become self-evident of what life, realistically is. It can not be avoided as love will enter your heart, body, mind and spirit in the process, which will allow you to grow out of your stupor, or depression or what ever seems to perhaps ail you. No it is not something which will prevent you from having a bad day, though it will be much easier to deal with whatever the situation brings.

It needs to be clear with all involved with the process and or practice of Yoga that feelings will come out, emotional pain, trauma, past and present will come to now. Now is where we need to be, as in moment to moment, breath to breath, or more to the point inhalation to exhalation. Now having said nothing happens overnight, some of the feelings you may have been, or are repressing will not stay out of the practice, and that is a positive point in your growth to enable love to be the innocence of life it is meant to be. What does that mean? Usually love is the stimulus to what ails us, cause and effect, spiritually we lose the innocence of love when someone or something takes our ability to be secure in a safe haven of love. Some lose this in the time of childhood, the innocence is stolen by adults who may or may not know better, (usually they do know better, though blame someone else...).

Spiritually we are always one and the same, from rebirth to the time we leave the body, to begin again, well most will need to begin again, as enlightenment does not come at a small price, though the practice will allow the growth, enlightenment to become a much more obvious part of life in and of the Universe. Some never lose the sense of wonder, as they have not ever had to deal with the insanity of idiots, meaning their spirits are never broken, making it much more apt that they will always remain positive through childhood, though young adulthood may have brought more to be dealt with when it is realized that some people use the word love without much care of the true meaning of the word. Broken hearts abound in the teen years, and Yoga can be the cure to your broken heart, which is why so many seem to be somewhere in the range of thirteen or fourteen in the sense of immature behavior, even at the age of forty.

Brilliance though seems to shine through even the broken spirits, which is why we have a seemingly endless supply of doctors, lawyers, scientists, and the like in the world, yet here in America the emotional trauma of many are worse than perhaps Asia or non-European countries. Brain drain in the USA is the result of all the trauma and or inability to get on with life, the actual meaningful love which is natural if we allow it to be so.

Meandering though the meadow is the same as words, or thoughts, though the ability to focus without bein g totally obsessive or compulsive is what we can have in the practice of truth, love and the enjoyment we can have in life, Yoga. Truth is a must in this scenario, as in asking oneself "who am I" and truthfully answering the question. Yoga can not be used as an escape to what you perceive, as in your ego telling you " I have got to have this or that outfit, or mat, or whatever to practice with that group." Love, truth, compassion, kindness are the motivating factors which are meant to be relevant to your practice. Meaning if you are truly interested in getting on with your life, true growth, then some hard questions are going to be addressed, and they need to have answers compelling enough to change your love/hate relationship with men, or women, though actually it is singular, man and woman, though plural in the sense of life is not singular.

Many Yoga classes are held for just women, or men, singular groups, which actually, here is the word again, insane as it a nnihilates the ability to grow out of your chaos. Many will disagree with that, being a free country it is each individuals right to disagree with others, though the point is Yoga, being a uniting of the one with God (Universe, Love), is the practice, not the further hindrance to ones' inability to grow up. Compassion, empathy, kindness, a tenderness of knowing what is hurting another human being is what needs to be at the head of the class, meaning the teacher, with his or her ability to actually know is the stimulus necessary to enable growth to the point of one being able to identify love of life and love of the spirit, or actually learn to love oneself, again, even those who can not seem to remember a time of innocence.

Brings up the at times inept teachers, yet it must be remembered we are not perfect, teachers or non-teachers. Everyone knows the bad apple in the basket will ruin the other apples, if left there long enough, so it is the ability to use common sense to get the bad apples out of the basket. What is great about human beings though is the fact of growth, we have the inherent ability to be loving and good, which is our nature naturally. We need to be hard, and also soft in our relationships with others, remembering that love is not something we use, especially if one is a male, on the vulnerability of a woman. Point being in Yoga practice the openness the practice brings, or the vulnerability, especially in the woman, can not, and must not be exploited into some "got to get that one" insaneness by some idiot man. Yet it needs to be kept in focus that the man needs to learn to grow up too, which of course is why anyone practices, at least in the true sense of what Yoga is all about. It is love, not sex.

Seems obvious as to why the Yogis of the past were celibate, or at least meant to be. Discipline, will, morality, value, the true ability to be Spiritual in Love, understanding the nature of what is love and what is sex, though even some in the past had problems with the concept, which is why men have always blamed women on their inability and or ineptness at love, especially in the physical sense. In other words woman knows love instinctively, where as man is emotionally or spiritually dead to what love truly is. Yoga can bring brilliance to the forefront of a man and his brain, with practice and discipline. More to the point perhaps it will give the man an ability to know what a woman wants. (Freud had no idea because psychology is not Spiritual, meaning the manipulation of the Spirit is impossible, even though behavior can change...) Back to celibacy being needed in a male or female teacher, the process of opening the Spirit back up to a state of grace or love is always going to allow our vulnerability to be totally visible, to our-self and others, and it must not be taken advantage of by the unscrupulousness of anyone, male or female, though again by nature the man usually i s the one to exploit the woman, and usually why she is trying to get on with her life with the practice of Yoga.

By George Merritt

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